We are extremely proud to launch our new song Tip Toe… it’s been a while in the making and we wouldn’t have been able to do it without your support! / Nous sommes très fières de vous présenter notre nouveau single Tip Toe… ça fait un bon bout de temps qu’on travaille dessus, mais on n’aurait pas pu y arriver sans votre support!
You can buy Tip Toe digitally pretty much everywhere, but let’s make this #1 on iTunes! Please take a moment to review it on iTunes and share the love! / Vous pouvez acheter Tip Toe pas mal partout en ligne, mais essayons de la monter au #1 de iTunes! SVP, prenez un moment pour écrire vos commentaires et votre appréciation… partagez avec amour!
Click on the picture to go to our iTunes shop! / Cliquez sur la photo pour aller à notre magasin iTunes!
Our amazing producer and friend Jeff Dalziel
Our friend Mike Langford at Pawnshop studio
Our lovely photographer / videographer / graphist, and friend Darwin Defoe
Our super talented webmaster, website creator and friend Marie-Laure Brain
Our awesome booking agent and friend Luc De Bouvries
Our devoted radio promoter for Quebec, and friend Daniel Bibeau
Our rocking radio promoter for Canada, and friend Dan Davidson
Our extremely cool publishing family at Red Brick Songs including our friends Amy and Jana
Our friends, family and fans who have shown an infinite amount of support since the beginning… we love you!!!